Friday, May 30, 2014

Internet Cats

Internet cats are such a thing people can make a living off their celebrity pet cat. Does Maggie cat have what it takes for me to quit my day job?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Madison County Transit Confluence Trail

For Memorial Day I rode part of the Madison County Transit Confluence Trail which tracks the eastern bank of the Mississippi River just north of St. Louis. The path is poorly marked, the trail isn't paved in places, and overall it is fairly exposed. I can't say I recommend it, but there are some interesting views of  St. Louis City and various industries along the river. Also, there is the occasional bit of wacky charm. This sculpture of a giant head bouncing away from it's tiny body was on a bare street corner in Granite City. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Possum Opossum

You know what's cute? A baby possum eating dog vomit. That is all. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Birds on a Building

The weather was too nice to ignore today so I spent some time cycling through south St. Louis. The mural is a Jeff Kapfer design installed recently for the Southampton Neighborhood Association.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Is this the beginning of the end of Perhaps, I have plans to scale up, to provide a more varied and useful content, and to switch platforms. Between real life squeezing me for attention and lack of experience in web design, though, I have no idea how long the switch will take. A week? A couple of months? We'll see.  
This was an opportunist's shot of a sun ray over a sun ray. Perhaps I've used a bit too much Photoshop in post but what I really needed was a strong flash, which I didn't have, to pull this shot off.